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1. 长尾翠鸟(Archaeopteryx)




2. 绵毛龙(Microraptor)



3. 长齿晚神龙(Sinornithosaurus)



4. 锁骨鸟龙(Hesperornis)



5. 脊背兽鸟(Therizinosaurus)



6. 翼矛龙(Pteranodon)



7. 鹰喙龙(Oviraptor)



8. 剑龙(Dilophosaurus)



9. 比格尾龙(Beipiaosaurus)



10. 槐叶龙(Yi)




Great news for dinosaur enthusiasts! Today, we have compiled a list of the top ten famous dinosaur avian species along with their captivating images. As one of the most intriguing prehistoric creatures, dinosaurs have always fascinated us. Among the diverse dinosaur family, avian dinosaurs stand out as the most peculiar group. Let us take a closer look at the charm of these ancient creatures through stunning imagery.

1. Archaeopteryx

Archaeopteryx is the most famous dinosaur avian species and is considered one of the key species in the origin of birds. This ancient bird possesses several dinosaur features such as a long tail and teeth. Scientists have been conducting extensive research on the morphology and behaviors of Archaeopteryx.Here is an image of Archaeopteryx:![Archaeopteryx](长尾翠鸟.jpg)

2. Microraptor

Microraptor is a small, bird-like dinosaur avian species. They possess feather-like structures that enable them to glide through the air. Covered in black or gray feathers, Microraptor exudes an aura of mystery and elegance.Here is an image of Microraptor:![Microraptor](绵毛龙.jpg)

3. Sinornithosaurus

Sinornithosaurus is a dinosaur avian species discovered in China. They have sharp teeth, agile claws, and are covered in feathers. Scientists speculate that Sinornithosaurus was an expert climber, adept at capturing prey while perched on trees.Here is an image of Sinornithosaurus:![Sinornithosaurus](长齿晚神龙.jpg)

4. Hesperornis

Hesperornis is an ancient marine dinosaur avian species that lived approximately 80 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. With its flattened beak and sturdy scales, Hesperornis hunted fish and other small organisms in the ocean.Here is an image of Hesperornis:![Hesperornis](锁骨鸟龙.jpg)

5. Therizinosaurus

Therizinosaurus is a dinosaur avian species with enormous claws. These claws can reach up to 1 meter in length and are razor-sharp. Covered in feathers, Therizinosaurus presents a peculiar appearance.Here is an image of Therizinosaurus:![Therizinosaurus](脊背兽鸟.jpg)

6. Pteranodon

Pteranodon is a large flying reptile and one of the well-known pterosaur dinosaur avian species. With its massive wingspan and sharp beak, Pteranodon was a fast glider in the sky. They predominantly lived near coastlines, feeding on fish from the ocean.Here is an image of Pteranodon:![Pteranodon](翼矛龙.jpg)

7. Oviraptor

Oviraptor is a dinosaur avian species with bird-like characteristics. They possess a sharp beak and strong talons, allowing them to prey on eggs and small animals. Contrary to their name, Oviraptors do not consume eagles.Here is an image of Oviraptor:![Oviraptor](鹰喙龙.jpg)

8. Dilophosaurus

Dilophosaurus is a distinct-looking dinosaur avian species characterized by two prominent crests on its head. These crests may have served as displays to showcase individual health or as weapons during confrontations. Despite their large size, Dilophosaurus were not proficient flyers.Here is an image of Dilophosaurus:![Dilophosaurus](剑龙.jpg)

9. Beipiaosaurus

Beipiaosaurus is a dinosaur avian species that roamed the Earth approximately 120 million years ago. They have short and slender forelimbs, a long tail covered in feathers, and scientists speculate that Beipiaosaurus was a swift predator.Here is an image of Beipiaosaurus:![Beipiaosaurus](比格尾龙.jpg)

10. Yi

Yi is a dinosaur avian species originating from China and dating back to the late Jurassic period, approximately 160 million years ago. Possessing a slender neck, elongated tail, and clawed feet, Yi is believed to have been an excellent climber.Here is an image of Yi:![Yi](槐叶龙.jpg)We hope that through these ten images of dinosaur avian species, you gain a better understanding of the ancient and enigmatic creatures. They shed light on the diversity of life and the mysteries of evolution on our planet.


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