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帮忙翻译成英语。在线等啊! 您所购买的杯子 以后购买任何一款饮料...

   2023-08-13 互联网调味品网3900
核心提示:今天调味品网小编为大家分享关于食品、饮料、零食、特产、调味品的相关信息,希望给大家带来帮助!杜景鹏Andy 10:40:29您所购买的杯子 以后购买任何一款饮料都便宜20块钱(需携带此杯子)!If you buy this cup, any


杜景鹏Andy 10:40:29

您所购买的杯子 以后购买任何一款饮料都便宜20块钱(需携带此杯子)!If you buy this cup, any drinks you buy will be 20 yuan cheaper than the one not buy.(you must carry this cup )

杜景鹏Andy 10:41:51

今天我们会附赠您一张免费 饮品券 (即刻可以使用)today we will give you a free drinking coupon(,you can use right now.)

杜景鹏Andy 10:43:39

PS:1、您必须和购买的杯子一起使用 you must use together with the cup 2、此券仅限 此地区使用! 国外无效 the coupon can only be used in the local region. Foreign religion wlii be invalid .

我自己翻译的 希望您采纳

welcome to our hotel

watch the dolphine show

sleep during the day

be friendly to

make cakes

buy some drinks

make dumplings

make coffee

have ice tea

on the morning of Wednesday

buy a hamburger


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